Building custom boards all shapes and sizes. From high performance short boards, to traditional nose riding long boards.

Fish, fun boards, high performance long boards.

Your design or mine, I will work with you.


Starting 2006 Built my first carbon fiber board using polyester resin and polyester foam.

Since then all my personal boards have been carbon fiber.

Utilizing different materials, procedures and techniques I have developed an outstanding carbon fiber board. Lighter and stronger than your average board. Utilizing stringer-less EPS foam the highest quality carbon fiber weaves and BRT entropy epoxy ( derived from tree sap). Makes for superior performance and greater durability than your average board.

Lately some manufacturers are adding carbon fiber to their surfboards, don't be fooled I've been doing this for over a decade and have the experience and techniques to build a better board.


From small dings to complete restorations. Including broken or buckledĀ  boards, stripped fin screws, ripped out fin systems, stringer tears, delamination etc.

I repair poly or epoxy boards.

Decades of experience.